so no one else can tell the stories that you can tell about the world."
~ Anom
Today we welcome Mike and Cindy from Bowls of Hope as guests, and I was delighted to welcome Doug McLean again this morning, not as a guest though, but as our newest member! Welcome to the team Doug! We look forward to working with you more! We celebrated the birthdays of Courtney, Bill and John! And we welcomed Vic back!
Such an awesome morning!
Some Updates:
- Kiwanis Kurling - March 5 at the Abbotsford Curling Club 1pm to 5pm. COme enjoy an afternoon of throwing rocks!
- IHop Pancake Breakfast, for the Children's Hospital, a sign-up went around for March 7, 7am to 7pm, Dennis has the sign-up if you are interested
- Sheila has Super Reader while Arley is away, she has a few assemblies so thank you to everyone who is helping out.
- Our District Council Meeting (DCM) is March 13, in Sumas at 7pm, SIGN meeting takes place at 5pm. All are welcome to attend and get an inside scoop about what's happening around the district.
- Last night we held our Budget meeting- great turnout, looking forward to supporting Sardis Secondary and their Key Club starting soon! Another great opportunity to work with kids of our community!
- Also we got invited to Kiwanis Golden Ears' Canada 150th Birthday Bash - March 25 6:15pm, dinner at 7:30pm $25. I have more information if you would like it.
We are blessed to present a cheque to Bowls of Hope to help continue their amazing contribution to our community schools. We learned that they now serve 20/31 schools and have the Chilliwack School District as a partner! These are fabulous developments since we last saw them about 6 months ago! They also have their Annual Dinner Auction coming up on May 5 (click the title to visit the link). Maybe we can get a table together and attend?
We also had a recap from Ken and Derek, who shared the final Operation Red Nose presentation with us! As a club we need to begin thinking about taking on this fundraiser again. It's such an amazing program, and it does so much good around the holiday season. Discussions will be happening over the next few weeks and I will let you know when we have our club vote about continuing on with this program.
A reminder, if you have anything, please let me know, so I can share with everyone!
We wrapped the whole thing up with Happy Bucks, and off we go to make another week amazing!
See you all soon,