What a crazy past week we have had, the official measurement is 48cms of the fluffy white stuff!
We had a casual meeting, 1 week earlier then planned at Jimmy Js this morning!
Updates from teams included:
* Soup kitchen, where 139 meals were served on Saturday morning!
* ORN, no incidences to report over the weekend & 80 rides completed with 200 people getting home safely & responsibly!
* Super Reader, most of the deliveries for 2016 are completed and assembly dates for 2017 will be available shortly!
* Promontory Pancake Breakfast, this Friday 6am to help cook, 6:30am for the rest of the support!
Next week we have our annual AGM (December 20) and the week after is a Round Table (December 27) in anticipation of the post holiday rush!
Till next Tuesday, stay safe, have fun and enjoy an awesome week!