- Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything and Rise
- Soup Kitchen this past week served 164 clients including 6 children
- We received correspondence from the YMCA and the Chilliwack Hospice that was circulated
- Ken W from the Chilliwack club came to visit and announce their Christmas party date
- ORN - Volunteer applications have been emailed out, we are a go
- Kiwanis Housing - Bob from the Chilliwack club thanked everyone for their time and diligence in assisting with the house inspections
- Gillian provided an update on her crazy amazing schedule, nice to see our Key Clubbers still continuing their service outside of high school
- Bahath calendars are available for purchase
Make it an amazing week!
October 28 - Kiwanis One Day
November 24,25 - ORN Weekend 1
November 26 - Kiwanis Children's Christmas Party
December 1,2 - ORN Weekend 2
December 8,9 - ORN Weekend 3
December 15,16 - ORN Weekend 4
December 22,23 - ORN Weekend 5
December 31 - ORN New Year's Eve
January 4 - ORN Volunteer Reception