~Dr. Williams
We had Debra Sutter from the Blue Heron Reserve. She gave us a full update on all the happenings at the Blue Heron Reserve and a very detailed look at the importance of it in our city. Her images and presentation were incredible. She also shared about Butterfly on my Shoulder, a photographer who takes amazing and stunning photography within the nature park. On New Year's Day they will host a park walk: "Let's start 2018 with a commitment to spend more time outside in nature! Join like-minded friends & family for a guided walk at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve. Meet at 1 pm at the entrance to the Rotary Interpretive Centre. We're sure to see plenty of waterfowl and maybe some other creatures! Dress for the weather. Hot chocolate to follow."
Nice to see they, and the animals that live there are thriving so beautifully.
In terms of club happenings, we are very busy!
- Pancake Breakfast is coming up, contact Pete if you can help.
- Super Reader is gearing up for assemblies
- ORN- Busy as usual, number 1 in the valley this past weekend, for both nights! Way to go team!
- Soup kitchen was busy this past week, 138 clients served
- SIGN- we got a new patch, along with a whole bunch of new walking men, of course we also learned that SIGN is a Top Rated Non-Profit
- LtG update: We have our DC Mon March 10 in Abbotsford at the Legacy building
- Key Club is super busy as well
- Overall a very busy meeting, we ran out of time for Happy Bucks, but we will carry on for next week! See you soon!