We celebrated the birthdays of George and Ev, as well as Barb M, double celebrations all around for them and their families!
We had updates from ORN- do not forget the volunteer reception on January 11, and Super Reader, Arley has a list of assemblies that are already booked. Sheila is getting information on the Salvation Army food sort. A reminder we have our January Board Meeting at the Chilliwack Library at 7pm!
A note of rememberance, Valerie Tunbridge, long-time Chilliwack Kiwanian, passed away over the holiday season. When we get details of the service, we will let you know.
Today, our guest speakers were Dr. Rob Lees and Dr. Melanie Maddill from Chilliwack Youth Health Centre. We supported them last year, helping to purchase medical practice calibre computers. This allowed them to be self-sufficient away from their main practices. We also CYHC also now provides full clincial counselling, making them even more connected to our youth in crisis in Chilliwack. Both Dr. Maddill and Dr. Lees agreed, youth mental health, especially in the areas of anxiety and depression are the most in need. They talked about a documentary showing on January 24 called Screenagers (click the title to open the link to watch the trailer), maybe something some of us may want to catch. Dr. Lees also outlined a new initiative, HeadSpace, a travelling counselling service, CYHC hopes to get off the ground. I know I look forward to hearing more about all their initiatives and programs, hopefully we can support them more in the future.
A note, the GW Graham Bottle Drive scheduled for Saturday has been cancelled! To be rescheduled at a later date, when it's warmer. However, they do have an account set up at the Sardis Bottle Depot. When you return your recyclables there, you can ask to credit account #123 to help out the Key Club.
Till tonight, and next week, stay warm and stay safe,