~ Mary Tyler Moore
We were pretty spoiled today! We had the Students of the Month from Sardis Secondary and Vedder Middle School at our meeting to recognize and celebrate their dedication and achievements. These kids are awesome, the list of things they have accomplished or that they are doing already is incredible!
If the future belongs with these students, we are lucky and fortunate.
As for updates, Arley needs help with Super Reader assemblies, so if you can help support him, please get in touch! The Kiwanis Kurling Bonspiel is coming up in Abbotsford! We had an Interclub with Chilliwack last Thursday! I was informed we brought the party! Soup Kitchen is coming up too!
Are we interested in doing Kiwanis Pancake Day? March 7? In partnership with IHOP? Let me know! Sign Up Will Be Soon!
Also Board Meeting on February 7, do not forget.
I also circulated a Budget questionaire as part of our consolidation efforts, if you were not at the meeting you will find an attached copy. Your input is critical, and appreciated.
Peter finished our meeting with a fun round of trivia and some prize distribution with our Students of the Month, also a fun time!
Thank you for all you do, all you continue to do, and all you have done!
Till Tuesday!